
Emergency Cases

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form

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Doctors Timetable

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form

Opening Hours
  • Monday - Friday
    8:00 - 7:00 PM
  • Saturday
    6:00 - 5:00 PM
  • Sunday
    9:00 - 4:00 PM
  • Emergency
    24HRS 7Days
Acerca de Holsalud
Atención médica integral y especializada

En HolSalud, nos especializamos en brindar atención médica integral y personalizada en el hogar, asegurando el bienestar de nuestros pacientes con profesionales altamente capacitados y tecnología de vanguardia. Nuestro enfoque está basado en la humanización de la atención, ofreciendo un servicio cercano, oportuno y de calidad. Contamos con programas diseñados para diversas necesidades de salud, incluyendo cuidados paliativos, bienestar mental, hospitalización en casa y atenciones médicas a domicilio. Trabajamos en coordinación con aseguradoras y profesionales de la salud para garantizar un acompañamiento continuo y eficiente.

  • Programa de Cuidados Paliativos
  • Bienestar Mental
  • Acompañamiento oncológico
  • Servicio de Hospitalización en Casa
  • Programa de Demencia

+51 981 234 171

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Medicina Interna

There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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Medicina Paliativa

There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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Medicina física y rehabilitación

There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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Laboratorio Clínico

There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.There are many variations of pas of Lorem Ipsum availab.

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